Jack began the year as a happy and easy baby and, aside from the odd tantrum as we head toward the 2-year milestone (which is highly entertaining), he remains a relaxed toddler with a ready smile. He loves swimming, pottering about the garden, collecting and inspecting sticks, and tasting garden snails. He understands most of what is said around him but refuses to talk, even at 20 months old! It seems 'mama', 'dada', 'Anna' and a fair dose of moo'ing, baa'ing & shrieked exclamations will suffice for now. Questions are answered with a definitive nod or shake of the head. What more does a man need in the communication arena! Although, it has been suggested that he's not been given much of an opportunity to get a word in edgeways with his sister around. Maybe when Anna goes to kinder this year...
As for Anna, she's had a busy year with swimming, music (Hey Dee Ho), ballet and meeting new people. She really enjoyed her 9am ballet session each Saturday, which culminated in a three-hour, end-of-year production (Coppelia). She has asked to carry on next year and can't wait until classes start again! She still enjoys her puzzles and stories, although struggles with Jack's misguided but enthusiastic assistance with games. Miss Anna is definitely ready for the stimulation and social interaction that kindergarten will provide this coming year (and so is mama).